
*cough "I can't go out, I'm sick"

Oh, my bad. Not actually sick, just caught a little fever (but I know you know that movie right?).
Read these quotes:

"we underestimated the power of the bieb's... he's clearly like a minigod"
- Glee
(DISCLAIMER: I despise Glee, I am only watching it because they are singing Justin Bieber this week, and after watching Never Say Never, I am kind of in love with the kid.)

"I love Bruno, he would take a grenade for me."
-Aunt Rhonda
(When Kymber was making fun of the Bruno Mars song, Grenade.)

"There is a fine line between cougar and creeper."
(When she was talking about her would-be crush on Justin Bieber.)

...I just needed a place to put those quotes, aren't I surrounded by funny people? You think I'd be funnier because I am their offspring.. and yet somehow...not. It's probably a product of my lameness. It's a true equation, like,

making crafts + listening to justin bieber + eating a bag of dove chocolates = impossible to be funny

Oh well, can't change the scientific fact.

I want to talk a minute about obsessions. I have the most obsessive personality, it's ridiculous. It's a good thing I am not a drinker and gambler because I would be a broke alcoholic. I get on a kick of something and just can't let it go, it's a little wierd. I start to like something and I can't get enough of it, all of my focus revolves around it, it's unhealthy.

The reason I bring this up is because I recently started to like justin bieber (it's not illegal, the cougar rule says 1/2 my age plus five... which equals 16, so its perfectly ok). Ever since then, I have gone a little crazy. I am determined we were meant to be, like,

"Misty, why aren't you married?"
"Oh I probably won't be married for two years or so."
"You have a missionary?"
"Oh no, that's just when Justin Bieber turns 18."


I mean, it makes sense though... I am from Heber, it rhymes with Bieber. Purple is my favorite color, he wears purple shoes. Usher is his mentor, which rhymes with Gusher- that happens to be my favorite fruit snack. It's fate.

I'll probably be embarassed I wrote all of this as soon as I post it, but whatevs, I am embracing the Bieber Fever. I dare you to watch Never Say Never and not have some respect for the kid.


amanda.hall said...

haha... you are so cute. And I don't even care what other people think (especially my husband who always makes fun of me)... I like the kids music. He was one of my favorites on my running mix!

Sarah+Kolton said...

Your post is awesome. I'm glad I'm not the only one that loves many people don't care for the boy, I don't understand!