Now that we have established that fact, moving on..
First, I just want to tell anybody who calls me that if I don't answer your phone call, I don't hate you. I simply hate talking on the phone. It isn't that I don't love to hear from my friends. Trust me, if you care enough about me to take the time to call me, you are my buddy for life. I just am not one to sit and chat via telephone. Maybe it's because I am impatient, maybe I am lazy, maybe I'm a jerk.. I don't really know. I just know that I often times never return the call of someone I love and they think I don't care about our friendship. I do, so much! I just don't feel the need to talk every day to feel close to you. I don't care any less about you when we go a while without talking. Hope that didn't come off the wrong way, I just wanted to explain.
Also, I LOVE RUNNING. Just thought I would let you know.
And, I found this little 'note' thing on facebook from ions ago. I thought to myself, "what the heal is a note?" ..facebook has some pointless features. Anyway.. I was going to delete it, but I thought instead of getting rid of it completely I would post it on here in case I ever care to remember it some day. It was one of those annoying fb games when you get tagged and then have to write 25 facts about yourself? Something like that. So, alas, 25 random things you don't care to know (if anyone is still even here at this point.. many of you have probably already aborted the mission of trying to make it through this entire post):
1. I love texting, I will always choose texting over a phone call if it is possible; for some reason talking on the phone freaks me out. (Haha ironic, I just talked about that)
2. I am addicted to adventure. (still true)
3. I love semi-colons; I know, I'm a freak. (also still true; I love them)
4. I love flamingos. I first started liking them because of my cousin, who was someone I idolized. Now I just love them because they rock.
5. Secretly my dream is to be a Broadway performer, but my lack of vocal talent kind of limits me.
6. I am a gross girl. I don't shave my legs and never pluck my eyebrows. My fingernails are always short like a boy because they bug me when they are long, and they probably still have the paint on them from four months ago. Basically I am nasty! Haha don't tell anyone. (I am better about this now, my sister is a cosmo girl, she keeps me in line)
7. I have a book full of music lyrics that have either affected me or I loved throughout my life.
8. More times than not I am listening to John Bytheway if I have my iPod in.
9. If I ever say anything funny or witty it usually is a movie quote.
10. I always had a dream to go to Rome, now that I fulfilled that, I want to go to Paris.
11. I am terrified of first kisses... To the point of embarrassing. Just ask the few people who have had to endure that experience with me... (hahahaha yep)
12. The one thing I want most in life is something I can not do for myself.
13. Sometimes I find it hard to breathe when I am learning history, it gets me so excited... especially if it has to do with the Constitution or the Founding Fathers. I know right? I am a little weirdo.
14. I hate animals. I am not a hateful person at all, but for some reason I just am not a fan of anything furry or smelly that leaves hair everywhere. (not still true, something has changed within me, and I love animals... most of them)
15. I love love and being in love and everything that has to do with the emotion.
16. I deal with people younger than me better than I deal with older people.
17. I hate using LOL in texts, and I hate abbreviating words. I don't mind when other people do it, I just don't like it for myself. And I hate one word reply texts.
18. If there is a group of women in a room talking and a group of men in the other room watching a game or sporting event, chances are I will be watching the game with the guys. I know, very lady like and very classy.
19. I love when guys sing, it melts my heart.
20. My favorite song is "I Believe in Christ" when the MoTab sings it.
21. I love music with intelligent and clever lyrics. I HATE music with stupid lyrics.... Ex. stand under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh, ella, ella ella. Who wrote that down and thought- now that is a good song?
22. I judge movies by their titles. Flicka? Knew it would be terrible simply because of the name.
23. I love BBQ sauce.
24. I love the Geico gecko.
25. I can not spell worth my life.
I decided to add a few more random facts, just to help cure the boredom:
26. Since I read the Hunger Games I have this crazy desire to rock at shooting a bow and arrow. I also read books about edible plants.
27. Modern Family is my favorite show on tv, and pretty much the only thing I watch except for Fantasy Factory (love me some Rob, Drama, and Big Cat).
28. I love rap music. I used to HATEEEEE it. Nope, love it. Gangsta.
29. I love when guys wear V-neck shirts. There is this ridiculous stereotype that only gay guys wear them. Well, straight guys, look around. Gay guys are stylish. I am a girl, and I am telling you I love a man in a V-neck (not the deep V, those are for tools (sorry deep V wearers, I automatically assume you are a tool when you wear that shirt)).
30. I want to adopt and asian baby. I have a weird infatuation with asians, I think they are awesome. I have an asian sister. I want an asian child.
I am just going to wrap this up since it was and is still going nowhere. Hope your week is awesome. Tomorrow is Friday! Friday! Friday! I am headed to the valley after work for the Pat Tillman Run on Saturday.. it's gonna be pretty cool.
Ps. Just so you don't feel like this was a COMPLETE waste of your time... here are two things I am determined to make people love. I have already posted them on facebook so if you have seen them, you are free to go. If not... you, watch my videos.
This first one is my future husband, Tyler Ward, I was talking about the other day. This is one of my favorite's of his songs. I love this song anyway, but this version just rockssss.
Also, Taylor Swift always writes her songs about dudes in her life, you know? Well, I had heard that she wrote "Enchanted" about meeting Adam Young, aka Owl City (I love you Owl City). That happens to be not only my favorite song of Taylor's, but is also in my top 5 favorite songs ever. Yesterday, while searching through youtube for no reason, I stumbled upon this little version of it. Adam Young's response to the song Taylor wrote about him. If you are still reading you clearly have time on your hands (because I am boring even myself), so watch it all the way through. The best part are the last few lines!
I want them to get in love! Their babies would be freakishly talented little lyric prodigies.
Ps. If you know where I can find a version of this song, not illegally, let me know?! Thanks. And thanks for making it clear to the end. You deserve a cookie :)